National Book Festival

The National Book Festival, conducted every year, is the most happening thing for book lovers and readers.

Conducting such festivals is a boost to people who love reading because for more than a decade, the use of internet has taken over the place of books. The Library of Congress hosts this event, which is conducted in the National Mall in Washington, DC. The First Lady of Texas, Laura Bush helped establish this National Book Festival. In 2010, the Library of Congress entered into its tenth year and each year the response has been tremendous. In the first year itself, the response was tremendous with more than 13,000 people turning up for the festival.

More than 50 lecturers, authors, poets and publishers are invited to give theme based informative lectures during the festival. They talk about the beauty of poetry, the thrill of reading classics and the wonder of reading non-fiction. People can talk to their favorite writers, get autographs, ask them questions and clear their doubts. It is an event where everybody gets to do something- the kids, the adults, teenagers and families. It is living proof that writers get the appreciation they deserve.

Planning for the National Book Festival happens very early in the year and the publicity attracts thousands of people. Important and famous people attend this festival. Last year, Barack Obama and Michelle Obama were the honorary chairs. It is a very important event, as many writers believe that the hobby of reading is almost dead in America. When information is readily available with the click of a mouse, people don't bother with going to a library and raking up information. The main aim of this event is to remind people of the joy that comes from reading a real book. The event hits upon every area of science, technology, history and literature. It does a great job of educating and inspiring people to a better living and culture.

This book festival proves that a successful book fair does not have to be so serious, prim and proper. It is made into a fun event, which makes it more successful than ever. It and there is never a dull moment once the festival is in full swing. There are a myriad of activities, which attract adults and kids of all ages, thus so many people bring their kids along too.

You can visit websites where videos of the event have been uploaded. You can also get some interesting tidbits and information that the attendees, authors and illustrators have shared.

tuesday, october 22. 2024 - (week 43)